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Sunday, March 21, 2010

VAGINA - Yes, I said it!

About a week ago, I watched a Kotex ad on TV that caught my attention. The commercial features a woman in her 20s describing how she felt about her period, explaining how it made her feel like "dancing" and "twirling in slow motion" in her "white spandex." The ad ends with the tag line, "Why are tampon ads so ridiculous?"

I thought the commercial was really smart and funny, and told myself I should start buying Kotex because they deserve to be rewarded for creating such a great ad. A few days later, to my surprise, I learned that the commercial had spawned a controversy and criticism from TV networks for its frank approach toward a topic that has long been considered taboo.

I don't want to start ranting about censorship or freedom of speech here because that's only going to spur a debate that we know will never be fully resolved. Instead, I want to comment on how, thanks to social media and Web 2.0, consumers are finally able to receive the transparency they deserve with respect to being informed about the products they buy. Whether or not ads ends up being banned from certain TV networks or countries makes no difference now. Thanks to sites like Facebook, Twitter, Digg and YouTube, consumers everywhere will always be able to access them in some way, which, of course, is great news for companies! Yet another example of how the web is changing the marketing world.


Related links:
Kotex website

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Conan O'Brien and the Power of Social Media

On March 5, 2010, Conan O'Brien decided to randomly follow someone on Twitter. That day, Sarah Killen's life changed. Once a regular 19-year-old from Michigan with just a handful of followers, she now has almost 30,000 followers (including me! I couldn't help myself!), been on numerous talk-shows, had a handful of interviews, and has raised nearly $2,500 for a breast cancer awareness walk called Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure. Now THAT is the power of social media!

Know what I think? I think this is a great example of effective viral marketing. Yes, he made this girl famous--but he also effectively made himself famous (well, more famous). Yes, Sarah is the one getting tons of interviews and new followers, but Conan's scored some interviews and new followers himself (including me! I couldn't help myself!). I'm sure this act didn't hurt his talk show's viewership and ratings either! To sum it up, this simple act resulted in:
  • A girl's life being changed for the better (this is debatable of course, but based on a recent interview it seems she is really enjoying her new-found fame)
  • Indirectly contributing to a good cause (the whole cancer awareness thing)
  • An increase in brand awareness if we treat Conan himself as the "brand" and his show as the "product"
Best of all, the act was incredibly easy and fast to do and cost absolutely nothing! There were no videos involved, no stunts, no tricks, nothing! Just a simple click of a random button! Quick, simple, effective--truly, a shining example of effective viral marketing.


Related Links
Sarah Killen's Twitter page (might as well follow her :p )
Conan O'Brien's Twitter page
Conan...Demonstrates the Power of Social Media

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Whole New (Social Media) World

I have to be honest--as interesting as my e-Marketing classes have been, I can't say I ever felt same passion my peers do about social media. Yes, I have Facebook and Twitter accounts, but for the most part I only used Twitter for my summer internship and haven't updated it since then. It was only after our midterm last week, when I was "forced" to do a more in-depth exploration of Web 2.0, that I began to truly see what a fascinating world it was!

Since my midterm 2 days ago, I have done the following:
1. Become more invested in this blog - While I only started it because it was a class requirement, I am now thinking of continuing it even after this class ends. I will likely include non-e-Marketing related topics though, since really, there is so much more to my life than that!

2. Reactivated my Twitter account - I think I've posted over 5 new Tweets over the past 2 days, which is quite an accomplishment since that was about the total number of Tweets I had within the past year.

3. Integrated my Facebook and Twitter accounts - I am hoping this will encourage me to Tweet more, since the app I installed only imports Tweets to Facebook, but not vice-versa.

3. Reactivated my DailyBooth account - I joined DailyBooth last summer under my roommate's suggestion. I was an active member for about 3 months until school started, then I moved out of our apartment and forgot about it. Shame--DailyBooth is really fun!

4. Created a Digg account - I've always complained about the lack of things to read online; I was starting to get weary of FMyLife. The same (ex)roommate suggested Digg to me.

5. Discovered Bit.ly - Very useful tool, since Facebook status updates, Twitter, and DailyBooth all have wordcount limits and links tend to be lengthy!

So as you can see, my Web 2.0 journal really has just begun! This is probably the first time I can say a midterm "changed" my life!

Til then,

(That's my latest DailyBooth addition there!)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

FMyLife: The Book

FMyLife.com--I am sure you, or least one of your friends, siblings or stalker ex-boyfriends have heard or even posted on it before. FMyLife is a UGC blog where users submit 300-word stories about unfortunate happenings in their daily lives. FMyLife.com has gained popularity because of its funny and outlandish but ultimately relatable stories.

Here are some excerpts:
Today, I had drunk sex with a girl that I barely know. I didn't have a condom and was nervous about getting her pregnant, but she assured me that I could pull out. Right when I was about to pull out, she wrapped her legs around me and yelled, "Be my baby's daddy!" I couldn't get out in time. FML

Today, my girlfrien
d dumped me proclaiming she wanted someone more like her "Edward". I asked her who Edward was. She held up a copy her "Twilight" book. She was talking about a fictional vampire. FML

Given the website's success, it made sense that the creators decided to publish a book. My opinion? Let's start with why I initially thought it was a stupid idea (note initially--bare with me as I explain my change of heart). First, none of the book's content is new, so why sell something that people can get online for free? Second...wait. I couldn't think of a second reason! That's when I realized the FMyLife book can actually provide benefits that the online version can't!

You might think that only site-visitors would buy the book, but I find that the reverse may also be true. For instance, I first saw the book about a 3 months ago in a local bookstore, skimmed through it and actually almost bought it. That is, until my friend knocked some sense into me and said, "Don't be stupid, you can read that online for free!" The funny thing is I had never visited the site at that point despite having heard good reviews on it. Thus, a regular site-visitor was born.

The book contains a selection of the best stories by a certain date, so users don't have to sort through un-funny and obviously-fake ones online to get to good ones. I think one of the best reasons for having a book though, is that it's portable: you can read it in the bathroom, bring it to work or show it to friends. Also, if the creators can profit from it, then why not? The costs are minimal--the content is already written--so they barely have anything to lose.

I thought I'd share my insights on the book because I think it's a great example of what I'd call reverse social media-ism I guess. It's also a reminder of how traditional marketing still works. Many online firms seem to forget this, but just as traditional businesses have started incorporating online techniques, then maybe e-businesses should also start incorporating offline techniques.

That said, wouldn't an FMyLife calender be awesome?


Related Links:
FMyLife Facebook page
FMyLife: The Book

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Buzz on Google Buzz

By now, I am sure most of you guys have heard about Google's new service, Google Buzz--Gmail's very own social networking tool meant to rival those of Facebook, Twitter, and Linked-In. I haven't tried Buzz myself, though Google has already automatically gotten me followers and vice-versa, based off my Gmail contact list. I've been meaning to blog about it for a while, but it was only when I came across this article from E-Commerce Times that I really started thinking about whether Buzz would truly be able to stand up to its competitors, or if Google is just setting itself up for its first major dud.

Google Buzz is similar to Facebook and Twitter in that it allows status updates, comments, and link- and media-sharing between users. However, aside from focusing on consumer-friendly uses, Buzz also aims to be a productivity tool for businesses and enterprises. According to the article, Google has been testing Buzz internally and has already found it to be an invaluable means of communication. Google believes that its corporate objectives can differentiate Buzz from other existing tools, giving it a competitive edge.

My opinion? First, I think that Google's claim should to be taken with a grain of salt. After all, how reliable can that statement be, seeing as it is coming from its own creator? Second, Buzz's potential users likely already have Facebook and Twitter accounts, so they might not want to bother managing a third. From what I know, Buzz does not appear to offer anything that the other two, or other sites such as Linked-In, already offer.

Perhaps you can argue that just because Buzz is coming late into the game, doesn't mean it can't prevail. After all, Friendster and MySpace came first, yet Facebook has effectively usurped them both. I would argue back that less than a month into the playing field, Google is already encountering problems with Buzz, the most controversial one being privacy breach. Several Gmail users have found their most frequent contacts outed to the outside world, with one now-famous blogger complaining that Buzz has reconnected her to her abusive ex-husband. Other users have complained about spam attacks in their inboxes. True, Google has already made changes to accommodate these complaints, but many believe that the entire privacy-fiasco is only a sign of things to come.

That said, I don't think Buzz will be a complete failure either. Google is a smart company and (most of the time) it knows what it's doing. I believe that Google will continue to listen to users' comments and feedback and continuously work to improve the system. Given Google's level of experience in the online playing field, I don't think we should rule Buzz out of the social media world just yet.


Friday, February 12, 2010

The (Very Successful) World of Warcraft

For my e-marketing class last week, the class was asked to cite an example of a successful online community and think of reasons why. Naturally, Facebook and Twitter came to mind, but let’s be honest—we’re all pretty sick and tired of hearing about those two. Instead, I tried to think of a company whose profits relied solely on creating a successful community; a business whose product is the community. Finally, I came up with the perfect example: Blizzard’s World of Warcraft.

Originally released in 2004, World of Warcraft, or WoW, is a massive multiplayer online role playing game that has grown steadily over the past 6 years and continues to attract new players globally. I asked my WoW-addicted boyfriend why this was; what attracted him to WoW and more importantly, what makes him stay. He responded with two things: community and content.

WoW gives each player the chance to connect with people across the globe who share the same interests. Relationships are based on trust, sportsmanship, and a sense of accomplishment. Blizzard encourages this behaviour by constantly providing new games and challenges for its members to interact and participate in. In addition, Blizzard hosts real-life tournaments where players can dress up as their characters, have the chance to meet each other in person and compete face-to-face. Not only does this strengthen ties between members, it is also a great way to attract new ones.

Players working together to defeat a common enemy.

Hundreds of players in the annual Blizzcon compete against each other.

I could go on and on about what makes WoW successful, but the main takeaway is that a good online community needs loyal members who strongly believe in what the community stands for, and a parent company that continually generates ideas to keep members active and engaged.

So, what exactly does this mean for Blizzard financially? First off, Blizzard charges each player $15 a month to play. Secondly, for every player to progress past a certain point in the game, they must buy the 2 expansion packs, along with the original game itself: $60 for the game and $60 for each expansion pack. Now multiply this by the 11 million people who play worldwide...you get the idea.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Two Great Viral Videos

One of the things we discussed in class today was non-advertising communication online by businesses. Of the examples we discussed, branded viral videos was the one that caught my interest the most.

Branded viral videos work because they are cost-effective, spark conversation, and are essentially self-promoting. Some of the best videos aren't even necessarily made by the business, but by customers! Companies know this, yet there seems to be a shortage of successful videos. Why? Successful videos should not only be entertaining, they should also get the message across. Here are two very different examples of viral videos that I believe accomplish these goals, and why:

Guys Backflip Into Jeans (Levi's)

Entertainment Value
This video works because it's funny and immediately makes you react: "That is so cool!" "Aw man, I want we should try that!" It is also relatable because nowadays, teenagers and younger adults often take videos of themselves doing silly or random things.

Getting the Message Across
Of course, the video promotes a positive message: Levi's jeans are sturdy and comfortable. The video also tells us that Levi's brand is fun, young, and daring. It has a sense of humor and does not take itself too seriously.

Dove Evolution (Dove)

Entertainment Value
This classic Dove video is entertaining for entirely different reasons than the first. It gives you a sneak peak of what really goes on behind-the-scenes in beauty photo shoots and makes you reflect on what society views as beautiful. It is thought-provoking and controversial, two factors that usually attract viewers but tend be underused in favour of humour.

Getting the Message Across
As opposed to Levi's more subtle approach, the message in this video is clear. Dove believes that beauty comes in different forms, and society should not be fooled by the "perfect" women mass media ingrains into our heads. It shows us that the Dove brand is socially-conscious, down-to-earth, and accepting to everyone.

There are tons more good videos out there, but I chose these because I wanted to show two contrasting approaches to viral marketing. If you are interested in seeing more, then here are some great posts you might want to read!
2009 Top Brand Influence Viral Videos
Corporate and Brand Videos That Went Viral
Tips for Seeding Branded Web Videos


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Two Tools to Track Twitter Tweets!

Hey folks!

A little late on this week's blog, but here it is! Today's topic: two tools to track Twitter tweets, TweetDeck and Monitter!

Last summer, I worked as a marketing intern for Bopomo Pictures, where I worked directly with the owner, Elayne Wandler. She was considering creating a blog for the studio, but wasn't really sure of what types of things to put in it. One of my assignments was to generate a list of potential topics that would interest her target market--mainly, families with small children.

Thus, my Twitter account was born! I used it to follow a number of accounts which I felt would be useful in helping me learn the type of things mothers would be interested in (ex. YummyMummyClub, UrbanMommies, etc). You can just imagine how difficult it was to monitor all these groups, on top of following other accounts I was personally interested in! Knowing that Elayne managed Bopomo's Twitter account, I asked her for some advice, and she recommended TweetDeck.

TweetDeck is a real-time monitoring tool which allows the user to segment his or her followees(?) into groups, @replies, direct messages, and more. I was able to separate tweets from my friends, celebrities, and Bopomo-related users into different columns, making life--and my job--easier! TweetDeck also lets you to set up custom searches that alert you whenever something appears that matches your criteria. The only negative thing I can think of about TweetDeck is that it is limited to 10 columns. Since I only ever used five at the most, I'd say TweetDeck is a pretty sweet (tweet) way to monitor your Twitter account!

The second monitoring tool I believe everyone should know about is Monitter. To be honest, I only found out about it in yesterday's e-Marketing class when we were discussing Search. Monitter is similar to Twitter in that is segregates real-time tweets into columns, except in this case, the segmentation is based on keywords you type into the search box on top of each column. Monitter allows you to use up to three columns at once. Unlike TweetDeck, Monitter monitors virtually all the Twitter accounts in the world, instead of just the people you follow, making it a pretty powerful tool for your business!

Of all the potential uses for Monitter, the best one for me would probably be for customer feedback. By typing the name of your brand, your competitors' brands, or even just the general product category, you can see what people truly think of your product and what they use it for. It is pretty much a goldmine of improvement opportunities! I only wish I knew about Monitter when I was still working for Bopomo. I would have been able to search for people interested in looking for high-quality, affordable photo shoots, and inform them about our studio. Should I get a similar job in the future, I will definitely be taking advantage of this tool!

That's it for today's blog! I am sure you have already heard of these tools in some way or another, but here is just some honest feedback from a simple Marketing student! :)


Sunday, January 24, 2010

E-Commerce News: E-Marketing

Today, I stumbled upon a website called E-Commerce News: E-Marketing which contains a goldmine of e-marketing related articles ranging from recent events (such as the China-Google battle) to tips and insights regarding social media management, building online presence, and more (today's topic: Sustainability and CRM).

I've only begun to read a few of the articles there, and already I've learned quite a few things! Terminology introduced in my e-Marketing class such as "Web 2.0" and "content management" are beginning to sound meaningful, rather than just technical jargon I am forced to memorize for the sake of the midterm.

Expect quite a few of my future blogs to center around articles pulled out from this website! I advise you to go visit it yourself, if you don't already have the page bookmarked. That's all I have to say for this week, I'm off to read more articles now!


Friday, January 15, 2010

It's Spreading...

I want to start off this blog by showing what I think is a pretty creative example of viral e-marketing (or is it?). First, some background information about where the entire thing took place: deviantART is an online community for artists and those devoted to art. It is similar to YouTube, except members post art, rather than videos.

Sometime in 2009, a mysterious symbol accompanied by the tag line, "It's Spreading" popped up on deviantART.
A few artists began drawing their own interpretations of the symbol, and soon, everyone was jumping into the bandwagon--it really was spreading! Some examples:

Despite hundreds of entries depicting the symbol, no one actually knew what it meant! Artists began writing on their deviantART journals speculating on its supposed meaning, and several polls appeared asking members what they thought it stood for. Some were offended by it: by keeping the meaning secret, the "It's Spreading" phenomenon promoted elitism. Others thought it was dangerous: "You don't know what you are supporting." Some thought it stood for a sort of religious cult, while some were disturbed by its resemblance to the Nazi symbol. The majority thought it was just a harmless fad, initiated by some very bored people with a pretty good sense of humor.

The meaning of the symbol remains ambiguous to this day. The general consensus is that it came from a comic book publisher called Aspen MLT, Inc. as promotion for their new comic book. Whether the symbol spread as a result of a successful marketing campaign, or simply by accident thanks to some excited fans, remains a mystery. Regardless, it certainly got people talking!

Successful marketing campaign or not? You decide!


Related links:
Newsrama blog
Facebook page