That was old news by the time I woke up this morning. Kirsten Stewart had just issued a formal apology for cheating on Robert Pattinson with her Snow White & the Huntsman director, Rupert Sanders. Out were the "what a guy!" comments and in were the "once a cheater, always a cheater" cracks.
It's like high school all over again, except in cyberspace and with the entire world. Brands, celebs, even regular people -- there's no escaping the watchful eyes of the net. Here are a few things that make the Internet like high school:
Doesn't matter if it's fact, rumour or theory. Netizens love good gossip. No surprise here, given that the web's #1 selling point is real-time reporting. One semi-interesting Tweet is all it takes.
The people insisting that the kids from the bus monitor bullying incident should be whipped and sent to juvi need to get off their high horses. How many of the same folks have Liked, shared or laughed at a Justin Bieber or Twilight meme? On- or offline, bullying is bullying.
You've got your social network addicts (guilty), gamers, lurkers, trolls, online shoppers, love seekers, etc. Not exactly the high school cliques we know and love, but it's the same principle (or principal. Get it? Haha. Okay no).
Thought you left grades behind when you graduated? Think again. With metrics like Klout, Kred, fans, followers, views, shares, Likes and mentions to name a few, I wouldn't be surprised if online profiles included a "Report Card" section in the future.
I'm sure there's more, but these are the ones off the top of my head. It just goes to show: we may have graduated high school, but there is no escape from Internet High.
Til then,