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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I (and my iPhone) are Back!

Has it been 5 months? Whoa! I've obviously been busy--but that's not why you're here so let's get to it!

One of the biggest things that happened to me since I last blogged was getting an iPhone (4S if you're curious). I initially thought of buying one when I realized managing several Facebook pages was too difficult on my Blackberry. My plan didn't include 3G (the horror) and I had yet to find a good Pages app for it. Little did I know that these would only be the tip of the smartphone iceberg.


I don't remember much about Facebook for Blackberry, but that itself is a testament to how awful it was. Now, I can barely get off it. That you can occasionally check your business pages without having to log into the Pages app is just an added bonus!


I don't care how adamantly people argue that checking mail is better on a Blackberry. I could never figure out how to use it on mine. The set-up and learning process was insanely easy on the iPhone, and typing with a touchscreen is not as awful as people claimed.


Pre-iPhone days, I would Google Map my destination on my laptop, take photos of it with my Blackberry, then clumsily attempt to decipher it during my commute. With Maps, I can do it in real-time and there's even a dot to show where you are! That's some Marauder's Map sorcery right there!


Because Blackberry is sad and is not supported by Instagram, I always felt like a fraud every time I recommended it to a client. Now I'm a regular user and love being part of the community.


Pretty much ANY game with a social component is not compatible with a Blackberry (Draw Something and Letterpress being my favorites). Even non-social games like Fruit Ninja and silly apps like I Made Face aren't available. I do, however, recall playing Sudoku a lot.

I could go on forever. You must be laughing at how late I am, but the truth is--and I am talking to the remaining Blackberry users out there--you think you can live without all these features (and technically you can) but why deprive yourself? I'll be honest: my new-found obsession may have sort-of kind-of influenced my lack of blogging of late.

I'll stop here lest I start sounding like an iPhone advert. Legit social media-related posts to come starting next week!

Til then,

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