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Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Whole New (Social Media) World

I have to be honest--as interesting as my e-Marketing classes have been, I can't say I ever felt same passion my peers do about social media. Yes, I have Facebook and Twitter accounts, but for the most part I only used Twitter for my summer internship and haven't updated it since then. It was only after our midterm last week, when I was "forced" to do a more in-depth exploration of Web 2.0, that I began to truly see what a fascinating world it was!

Since my midterm 2 days ago, I have done the following:
1. Become more invested in this blog - While I only started it because it was a class requirement, I am now thinking of continuing it even after this class ends. I will likely include non-e-Marketing related topics though, since really, there is so much more to my life than that!

2. Reactivated my Twitter account - I think I've posted over 5 new Tweets over the past 2 days, which is quite an accomplishment since that was about the total number of Tweets I had within the past year.

3. Integrated my Facebook and Twitter accounts - I am hoping this will encourage me to Tweet more, since the app I installed only imports Tweets to Facebook, but not vice-versa.

3. Reactivated my DailyBooth account - I joined DailyBooth last summer under my roommate's suggestion. I was an active member for about 3 months until school started, then I moved out of our apartment and forgot about it. Shame--DailyBooth is really fun!

4. Created a Digg account - I've always complained about the lack of things to read online; I was starting to get weary of FMyLife. The same (ex)roommate suggested Digg to me.

5. Discovered Bit.ly - Very useful tool, since Facebook status updates, Twitter, and DailyBooth all have wordcount limits and links tend to be lengthy!

So as you can see, my Web 2.0 journal really has just begun! This is probably the first time I can say a midterm "changed" my life!

Til then,

(That's my latest DailyBooth addition there!)

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