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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

If Content is King, then Quality is Queen

Online marketers, copywriters and bloggers: If we got a dollar for every time we see or hear the phrase "content is king!" then we'd all probably be billionaires, so freaking bad.

True. All the money and best advertising in the world would lead nowhere if you've got nothing (or crap) to offer. However, if Content is King, then I crown Quality Queen. You'd be surprised at how much good content there actually is on the web -- it's just that its packaged so badly that we tend to miss it.

Let's take YouTube celebrity Michelle Phan, for example. What makes her makeup tutorials "better" than the thousands out there? She has great content for sure, but so do a lot of others. What makes her stand out? What made Lancome hand-pick her to be their first-ever online brand ambassador?


The answer is quality. Her videos are well-lit and well-edited, with clear step-by-step instructions. Her commentary is friendly, useful and straight-to-the-point, and she always includes a complete product list and related links in the description. With all the low-quality user-generated videos out there, hers are truly a breath of fresh air!

As the Internet grows denser every second, I really do believe that quality has made its place alongside content when it comes to gaining and retaining followers. It's sort of like chess. To stay in the game, you need the King. To survive in the competitive online landscape, you need content. No King, no game. No content, no presence.

The Queen, on the other hand, is the driving force that defeats the competition and ensures that the King stays alive. Likewise, quality (whether in the form of a sleek website design, catchy copywriting, or well-edited videos like Michelle's) may be the deciding factor that makes users choose you over your competitors and ensures your content gets the attention it deserves. Imagine losing your Queen in chess. You'd still be in the game, but not for long!

So put in the effort, people! It could make or break your game.

Til then,


  1. You definitely hit the nail on the head. With so many choices, the ones who stand out are the ones with quality.

  2. Thanks! It's surprising how many people tend to forget the importance of good presentation online. They say that good content ultimately sells itself, but this doesn't *always* hold true anymore!

  3. This is a fabulous article! There is so much information to sift through it is sometimes difficult to decipher what to look at, but with quality information it makes everyone's lives easier. Plus, finding the most relevant content is KEY!
